Whatever drawer you have or wanted to create, you just need to float the bottom of your drawer. But when you have a drawer below 8 inches, then you should not use the rule of thumb. However, if you have a drawer up to 8-inches, you should know why drawers have floating bottoms.
There are couples of expert believe that it hasn’t exact rules. But the drawers have floating bottom because of safety purposes. On the other hand, when the drawer is used, glue that drawers perform well. If you want to use glue, then you must float the bottom of your drawers.
In this article, you will discover the complete reason why the drawers have to float the bottoms. I had collected the information from various resources. I hope that you will clear your confusion after reading this article.
Table of Contents
Why Do Drawers Have Floating Bottoms?
As you know that the main reason for a drawer has floating bottoms safety. Most of the time, the manufacturers have used a hardboard in the bottom of the drawer so that your clothes and other elements become safe.
However, from this following section, you will discover some major reasons to float the bottoms of the drawers. So, let’s check out the cause below.
1. You Need to Float the Bottom Because of Avoiding the Glue
It is one of the core reasons to float the bottom of a drawer. Sometimes gules are harmful to our elements and also harmful for the hardboard of a drawer. So, if you want to avoid glue on your drawer bottom, you just need to float it.
2. Measurement of Drawer
According to my experience, a drawer doesn’t need floating when its measurement below 8-inch. But when your drawer is up to 89-inch, it needs glue. When the drawer needs glue and safety, you may not avoid the floating bottom of your drawer.
3. Materials of Drawers
When your drawer is used, plywood or masonite, then you don’t need to bother floating it. Moreover, the size is also not working here, so you should not do any float of your drawer to use these materials.
4. Easy to Slide
This is another essential thing which you need to consider. If you want to make a drawer with a smooth slide, then you should make your drawer float bottom. I knew some users who use their drawer float bottom so that they can make the slide smooth.
FAQs (Frequently Ask Questions)
Q: Should you glue the drawer bottoms?
A: The straightforward answer is no. No reason to glue the plywood bottom. However, you may use the glue when you don’t use plywood or masonite in your drawer. But when you use plywood or masonite, you can use glue drawers of the bottom.
Q: What do you use for a drawer bottom?
A: The most common material for a drawer bottom is hardboard or plywood. Generally, the hardboard is used for small and medium-size drawers. But when the size is large enough, it is used the plywood.
Q: What is the best wood for the drawer bottom?
A: Poplar is one of the best wood for the drawer bottom. A Poplar is stable, durable, and lasting for any condition of the drawer. The color of this wood is yellow, or sometimes you will discover a brown color.
Final Words!
Why are drawer bottoms thin? It is a similar question. However, the drawer bottom is thin because for easily slides and keeps the elements safe and also provides a good smell. On the other hand, the drawer has floating bottoms because of its strong safety and avoiding the glue.
I hope that the article helps you a lot to clear your confusion about this topic. If you are still confused, you will let me know the below comment box.

Hi, my name is Neale Whitaker founder of homesgys.com. I am an expert in home design and decorator. I researched furniture for around 7-years.